MPF MPF Enzym Feed

MPF Enzyme Feed
For starting up moving bed filters that are behind high quality drum filters in combination with MPF Micro bacteria and MPF Pond Booster
In practice, it appears that various drum filters do their job so well. Despite this in the next step of the filter line, the nitrification does not start properly. Purely because in the beginning the drum holds back too many nutrients for the bacteria. Out of necessity, bypasses are often made so that the filter still has to process some coarse debree. And therefore the high-quality drum is not used optimally.
Especially for this problem we have developed MPF Enzyme Booster in collaboration with a bacterial supplier. These ensure a very fast housing of the autotrophic bacteria and also ensures healthy and clear water
If you combine this Enzyme Booster with Healthy Pond and Micro Bacteria, nothing stands in the way of starting your filter and maintaining your pond in a healthy way. In order to be able to enjoy your healthy fish and pond water in this way. Of course, the Enzyme Booster can also be used for regular filters.
Usage advice:
Dosage per 10,000 liters of pond water: 100 grams of Micro Bacteria, 100 ml Pond Booster and 100 ml Enzyme Booster.
Divide this over the available filter medium. These products then integrate into the filter material. Keep the product in a cool place.
Product specifications
- EF1000